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Corn Starch


Introducing our premium Corn Starch, a versatile and essential ingredient for your culinary needs. Derived from the endosperm of corn kernels, our carefully processed Corn Starch is a fine, white powder that offers a multitude of uses in the kitchen.

Corn Starch is well-known for its ability to thicken sauces, soups, gravies, and desserts. Its neutral flavor allows it to seamlessly blend into dishes, creating a smooth and velvety texture. It is a preferred choice for thickening fruit fillings in pies, custards, puddings, and creamy sauces. Additionally, Corn Starch is a go-to ingredient for breading and frying, providing a crisp and golden coating to your favorite foods.

In addition to its exceptional thickening capabilities, Corn Starch also has practical applications beyond the kitchen. It is commonly used for various household purposes, such as removing stains, controlling moisture in certain products, and crafting homemade play dough or slime.